Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 2 in Marcavalle!

This was an amazing week! I had my first 2 baptisms this past Saturday. I got to baptize Suleisi. We taught Suleisi for the first time this past Monday, and she got baptized Saturday!

We also baptized Xiomara who is only 9 but the other missionaries had been teaching her a little bit before I transferred here to Marcavalle. 

I was having some stomach problems this past week, but I'm pretty much all the way back to normal now so don't worry! Our pensianiesta made me some weird hot drink called hierba that really helped. I looked it up in my dictionary and it means weed... so needless to say I feel great! haha Just kidding please don't freak Mom..

 It's rained almost everyday here, and it's colder than I thought it would be. There's only been one day I didn't need to wear my jacket. We've had a couple awkward moments this past week.. We talked to a lady WHILE she was breastfeeding on the side of the road. Also, there's always drunk people walking around the streets and we call them zombies and I think my count is around 7 so far. 

We went up to Alto Marcavalle and the stairs are ridiculous. They go until halfway up the mountain! We saw one zombie fall down the stairs for a little while trying to urinate so that was pretty funny. 

The most awesome thing I've been seeing in all the people here is their faith. It's amazing to hear how strong the faith some random people we talk to have, and also the people that lack in faith and when we help them strenghten their faith, it also strengthens mine. One of my favorite scriptures in The Book of Mormon that I have shared a lot is Alma 32:21 ''faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.'' My faith has definitely been strengthened within the past couple weeks, and I hope to continually strengthen my faith, and the faith of others everyday for the next two years. Also, I finished The Book of Mormon this morning and I started at the end of September. Honestly, it's the first time I can really say I read it straight from cover to cover, and I know that it is true with all of my heart. I know just as Joseph Smith said that ''any man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts''.

Love, Elder Pincock

Here are some more pictures from my brief stay at Huancayo Mission Home

This river is in Marcavalle and it's were people dump all their trash and other things too!  Notice the pipes coming out of the apartment complexes. 

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